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Updated: Jul 26, 2023

I have been friends with the same group of people for more than a decade, some even double that. Sometimes our paths cross and then steer into opposite directions and some stay linear all throughout. As we grow up, our priorities change, we see less of each other, and friendships tend to fall apart.

Just last year around the same time in the month of July. I had such a vivid dream of one of my friends, Kissh. It wasn't a friendly or happy dream, in fact, it was terrifying and it made me question myself and my decisions the minute that I woke up. I felt like there was a hole in my stomach that was dug out and I felt the pain that I did 8 years ago. The feeling of somewhat resentment, hallowness, and weirdly enough - Grief. It had been 8 years since I last spoke to Kissh and it felt like a calling to just check up on her because ultimately, out of everyone that I had lost touch with, she was one that I missed the most.

Kissh and I had this soulmate type of friendship. We used to always act the same, did pretty much everything together. I talked to her about my biggest dreams and weighing regrets and so did she. Young and quite reckless - We got matching tattoos when we turned 18 that read "Infinite". We thought our friendship was infinite until reality pretty much kicked in. Let's just say, we had a lot to learn. More about ourselves than we expected in a friendship. We wanted to experience different things and we didn't always agree. We left a lot of things unsaid which caused a lot of friction within our relationship and our group of friends that ALWAYS did everything with each other separate into two.

I had to contact her to find out whether she was okay. I wouldn't want to imagine what it would feel like had I not reconnected with her and found that something bad actually happened to her. Knowing now how precious time and how valuable life is, like I said - I couldn't miss that chance. So I messaged her and told her straight that I had a dream about her and that I was meaning to reconnect with her to see if she would be interested in meeting up for coffee or dinner. We picked a date with anticipation.

The day we planned came and what I thought was just going to be the two of us turned into

four. Funny enough, two of my best friends, Pike and Charlie had called, as I was getting ready to head out, asking what I was up to. I told them with excitement that it turned out I was going to be meeting with Kissh in the next hour and that maybe I could ask if she would be okay if they came along. She agreed right away and there we were meeting at Earls after 8 long years only to act as though time did not pass us by and we were still the same friends just a lot older, a lot more to catch up on, and a lot more genuine laughs.

A year has gone by and we decided it would be nice to celebrate our friendship by having yearly friendsaversaries. What better way then on the day we all reconnected again. Within this past year, we had gone through so much and it's crazy to look back and see all the experience, laughter, grief, tears, and core memories we created for ourselves.

I don't say this often, but I am really lucky to have such a strong and unique friendship with each and everyone of them. I wanted to commemorate such an important time and shift in our lives and for once in quite a while I had felt excited to spend the whole day with them with no responsibilties or priorities to worry about. Just pure QT.

So... With that being said, Happy 1st Friendsaversary Pikey, Charlie, Kissh, and Jeni. You guys are everything to me and more. Love you all so much!

- Jree

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