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Moving #3 with Me

If you follow me on Instagram, you would have noticed that I posted our apartment filled yet again with boxes. Yes, we moved... Again! I might as well be an expert at this point. If we're not moving in the middle of the year, we've got this weird max time limit of 1 year and here we are searching for a new place to stay. I realize it's not ideal. I know the people that help us every year are probably like "WTF"? But, here we are. Getting out of the apartment we decided to move into after my moms, and out again into hopefully a home we can stay in long-term.

Ron and I have been back and forth about whether we should continue renting or if the option to buy was more ideal. Should we wait out this lease or take the house that was offered to us. We had to quickly make up our minds and figure it be best to really sit and decide where we actually wanted to end up. We both realized that although our family and friends live in Winnipeg, we don't necessarily feel like we belong here. We both regretted moving back from Calgary, and we've talked about that. We had a lot of growing up to do and we knew that when it came down to difficult obstacles that we had to overcome while out there, the first thing we did was pack up and leave to avoid it. I realized that it's been a pattern ever since and that the reason why we move out and we start new, is because we can't commit to a place and call it ours. I know that I purposely try and find flaws and I overthink it to the point where I stress because I can't fix or actually do anything about it. Clearly, renting isn't the way to go any longer. We both know that we'll never feel "at home" until we can have one for ourselves. We're also in no position right now to buy but our intentions to move forward in this house will hopefully guide us in the right direction. We'd have to be more responsible with our money and seriously start moving forward.

All of what was said isn't the reason why we decided to cut our lease short and move. And I know you're probably wondering why. Our lease ends July 1st which means we technically had 4 months left of this lease. But, after many incidents with our neighbors and the fact that our pups have gone depressed, we made this move to better our lifestyle. I know many of you may think that it's not a good enough excuse to get out of our lease and to make it stressful for us to move during Winter. But, Ron and I couldn't pass up on the house we found, knowing the potential growth we can have living there.

We started to notice that the dogs weren't the same after being in the apartment for the first few months. I guess having gone from a bigger house with a backyard to run around to a small apartment had been a more difficult transition for them than we thought. The noise here is definitely different than what we've been used to, and although Ron and I are fine with it, we could tell that they weren't. Our neighbors didn't really help in that matter and had left rude notes saying our pups were too loud in the building while we were gone and after many attempts on fixing that matter; installing a camera to check on them while we were gone, leaving them with their kongs so they are kept busy, turning on the TV for white noise - Honestly, anything you can really think of - that neighbor still unfortunately called Animal Services on us. After that, I knew it wasn't healthy for us to continue living in this apartment knowing that this neighbor is waiting for any chance he can get to push us out. Our landlord also wasn't much help. He didn't even know that this neighbor had called animal services on us. And honestly, we've been back and forth with him about many things that he was responsible for but never followed through. It was very hard to reach him and after having Animal Service come for a surprise visit, we were fed up.

Old Kitchen Mess

New Kitchen Mess

Don't get me wrong. I loved our apartment. Having the place to ourselves and all the little memories we had for the short time we were there will always be cherished. It's too bad it didn't work out because we ultimately did like the location and the renovated suites.

I guarantee that after this, we've learned our lesson. It's been 6 years of us moving around. We both want the same things, heck if we didn't, we wouldn't be together. The only thing that set us apart would be that he's got a lot of high goals and I've regrettably settled into my 9-5. So him ideally not wanting to settle into a house with a mortgage is understandable. We have a mutual understanding and we're still learning to compromise. I have been so afraid of our "what if's". What if we can't afford this? What if we realize this is too big of a house for just us 4? What if the owner decides not to sell? Until I realized that we won't know unless we try. Ronnie has always been the type of person to jump and see where it takes him regardless of the circumstances. He's always been adventurous and has lived this way for as long as I've known him, and it's about time that I learn to follow. So us agreeing to move into a house and seeing where this takes us has been the best decision yet that we've made.

We apologize and are extremely grateful to those that continue to help us move and those that still to this day understand our situation and have been nothing but supportive throughout this whole thing. We promise this will be the last for a while!

If any of you need any advice or any moving tips, send me a message and I'll be happy to help!

Until next time


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