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Dog Mom | Part 1

Putz was born October 14, 2007 and we picked him up from PetLand on February 5, 2008. So he's been part of our family since then and will be turning 10 years old in 9 days! So I thought it would be a great time to post a blog about my journey with my beautiful, loving, oldie of a Maltese dog, Putz.

Trying to be as accurate as I can, from what I can remember at least. My brother and I would occasionally spend our time going to pet stores to look at all sorts of animals. One day after a trip to Costco with my parents we walked over to PetLand and the first litre we saw were a bunch of white, cute, little Maltese puppies. One of course stood out from the rest, in the corner of their little glass kennel, laid staring at us with precious puppy eyes. He was the calm one out of all his brother and sisters, seemed very shy until he realized we were staring at him with awe, and eventually started to follow the trace of my finger as I swivelled it across the glass window. I can remember that night like it was yesterday, sitting with my siblings trying to figure out how we can ever convince our parents to buy him.

I'd say about a couple weeks after consistently begging my mom, we convinced her to just stop by the pet store so she can see for her self which exact puppy we wanted. By that time we had already decided on a name, and I just couldn't believe how easy it was for my mom to say yes after having the chance to free putz from that little glass window and into a boxed play pen for us to meet him. I believe it was a couple weeks after we were able to take him home (I guess they needed to make sure he had his shots and deworming done prior to picking him up).

Moving forward into him living in our big home in Headingley, MB. I would say he was the happiest, joyful, little dog - Ever. He had all that room to run, be free, and ultimately be loved by 5 human beings. Now, because he was our first pet. We had no knowledge or experience (I did no research) on how to actually take care of him. So we ended up buying this huge bed that looked more like a round cushion and stuffed it in our game room which wasn't fully renovated yet. I tried to get him to stay in that big, dark room by himself numerous nights, but I just couldn't get him to sleep or stay still. He would obviously pee and do his business in there which eventually frustrated me to the point where I sat down with my brother begging if he could keep him in his room over night so that he wasn't alone and we could at least keep an eye on him if he needed to do his business during the night. Eventually, Putz learned to sleep on our beds, and we kept it that way.

He was never kennel trained, honestly not too potty trained, and because we lived so far from everyone, we basically had no neighbours, and barely any visitors which eventually lead him to have separation anxiety. Although there were 5 of us, we were barely home because after work/school, we'd have sports or extended activities that would keep us past 6pm. Although Putz did learn to cope with being away from us, you could definitely tell it was hard on him, and as we all grew up, he kept himself busy by wrecking our couch, our rug, and pillows.

So that's basically how Putz grew up! Although he's going on 10 years, he's still very energetic and still very lovable. He does like to sleep a lot more and needs more attention than he already gets. But he's growing up and the adventures with him throughout will be for another post. Stay tuned!

Ps. Everyone needs a dog... Unless your allergic

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